Weekly worship of God helps us keep our priorities aligned with God!
Service Description
The best way to understand worship is to think about what is most important to us. Whatever that is, is what we worship. It holds the place of highest priority in our minds and hearts. It is what we value more than anything else. Christians believe God alone is worthy of our worship. Worship exists to give Him the honor and praise because of who He is and what He has done for us by sending Jesus Christ into the world to redeem and restore us. All of creation is included in the greatest salvation and transformation project ever attempted! Worship in the truest sense extends into all of life: the way we work, how we conduct ourselves in our relationships, how we handle money and practice generosity… Everything we do could be considered an act of worship, intended to encourage and strengthen other Christians while showing those who do not know God how incredible he is. Our worship services begin at 10:00 AM, Sunday mornings.
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