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Do it Again!

Pastor Jen Wilson

Faith is a confidence that comes from God. It is something the Holy Spirit develops with you over time. Faith isn't about being perfect or getting this right. Faith is believing that something else is at work...or rather...someONE else is at work. Working good things from our tragedies, our doubts, our pain and our mishaps.

God won't stop and neither will we. Get back up. Try it again.

Recently, I wiped out on a bike ride. You might think, "who cares, right?" I hope you can learn something from my experience. The wipeout wasn't the challenge. It was getting back on my bike, riding through similar conditions and feeling the pain and terror of another wipeout. A week after my wipeout, Bill and I went out for our regular ride. But, this time I rode for more than eight miles before my adrenaline began to wear off. I gripped onto my handlebars with a death grip. I pedaled uphill like a crazy person! At the crest of the hill, we reached a tunnel that was three-quarters of a mile long. That walk through the darkness gave me the perfect metaphor for what I was feeling and what I was going through my mind.

I cooled off. The air temperature inside the tunnel dropped twenty degrees. I slowed down. The trail through the tunnel was wet and uneven. I eased up. I worked through my angst and fear as I ambled through the darkness. I walked my bike through the deep darkness alongside underground waterfalls and rivers with only a bike light to shine a few feet in front of me. What I discovered beneath the surface was very powerful and I never knew it was there. What is down there in the dark?

Faith. Faith like fresh water that comes from the springs of life. Faith that could move mountains and I was underneath one at that very moment. Faith that no matter what came next, I would overcome! About half-way through, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. No, it wasn't a train. It was an opening, an outcome, a real option to start again. So, I got back on my bike and I did it again.

What's in this for you?

A challenge--to get back up and try it again. Your marriage deserves more of your attention and energy. Try something new and try it again. Parenting is a daunting task. No matter what age your children may be--be a champion for them. Encourage them to get back up and try it again. Addictions are dangerous and require all of our attention. We all suffer from the effects of addictions and we all need to get back up to face the reality of living sober, free and holistic lives.

Jesus promises to be with you--through it all. He's not looking for perfection. He's going to meet you where you are at and be with you as you rise. Remember that Jesus was put into a dark place and left alone there. Triumphantly, Jesus rose from that dark place! He is willing to help. But, you need to get back up and do it again.

Jesus replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20 NIV)

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